Finding the perfect time of the year for your

Seasonal Wedding on Bornholm


Most people have a favourite time of the year. When planning your wedding, you most probably have this in mind and look for an appropriate wedding day within your preferred season. If you have chosen to get married on Bornholm, you can consider yourself lucky. Here, every season is beautiful, though all have their special advantages.

Also the weather will in most circumstances be on your side when you marry on Bornholm. The Baltic Sea has some very special weather gods for our beautiful wedding island. They ensure that summers as well as winters tolerable, especially in these times of climate change. Whether you prefer lush green nuptials in spring time, a sunny beach wedding in summer, a golden coloured marriage ceremony in one of our magical woods in autumn or a truly white wedding in a snowclad landscape in winter, Bornholm surely can give you a perfect wedding location in your chosen season.

Read on to find out more about what the different season of the year look like on Bornholm, and how you can make good use of them for your wedding day.


Eco-friendly decorations and low carbon flowers belong on the list of sustainable wedding tips for a spring wedding.

Springtime is the official start of the wedding season everywhere. Nature is starting to awake in its full glory, bringing a stunning choice of colours and scents. when it comes to the choice of bridal bouquet and floral decorations. The temperatures are warm, but by means too hot on Bornholm and though there still  might be an occasional rain shower, the weather will be on the whole sunny.

And when it comes to booking accommodations on Bornholm for both couples and their wedding guests, you will find them to be not only available, but also affordable. The main tourist season on Bornholm starts in June. This gives you plenty of months to plan for a spring wedding. And who knows, a spring lamb might make a cheeky attempt to photobomb your wedding photo.

If you wish to book a spring wedding ceremony in English or German, and for more information on which wedding locations on Bornholm are best for your perfect wedding day, please contact one of our wedding planners on the form below.



Makeup artists show all your best sides on your wedding day in summer on Bornholm

Romantic pictures of a wedding on the beach is what many couples have in mind when it comes to their wedding ceremony. Few places are better suited to fulfil this particular wedding aspiration than Bornholm. 

Surrounded by beaches of every kind, from sandy to rocky to breath-taking cliffs, you are bound to find the perfect spot for your wedding ceremony. Whether you want the sand between your toes, or a stunning view of the sea from an elevated ground while you say your ‘I dos’, Bornholm can cater for it.

Temperatures on Bornholm during the summer still lie in the early 20°C (68°F). This means, neither you nor your wedding guests will break out in a sweat during the wedding ceremony. Also the water of the Baltic Sea will have a tolerable temperature of around 20°C (68°F). 

For more information on our beautiful beaches and how to arrange a wedding on Bornholm, please contact our wedding planners on the form below.


Autumn weddings are the most popular among the seasonal weddings for couples to be wed.

Weddings in the autumn or fall have recently become a global trend. According to statistics, this has become the most popular season and October the most popular month to tie the knot. 

Marrying ‘out of season’ not only reduces the wedding costs considerably. With global warming being an unfortunate event to consider nowadays, many find the weather the most tolerable for a wedding party during the autumn.

Though Denmark in general and Bornholm specifically do not suffer to the same extent from climate change as other countries in Europe, also we can boast of glorious golden autumns with warm weather and glorious colours to give you the right background for your wedding ceremony – and wedding photos.

If you wish to know more how we can help you to get married in autumn on Bornholm, please contact us on the form below for more information.


Among the seasonal wedding, winter nuptials are unjustly much underrated.

Statistics are unfairly unkind when it comes to winter nuptials. Apparently, annually only 5% of weddings happen during the cold season. Especially ignored are January and February, quite undeservedly when it comes to Bornholm and Denmark in general.

The Nordic countries know how to enjoy the winter time, where the Danish concept of ‘Hygge’ spreads a pleasant atmosphere. On Bornholm, you still can experience a real winter with snowclad landscapes and the magical, beautiful light that has inspired and drawn artists to this wedding island for centuries.

Other advantages for getting married on Bornholm in winter include a virtual unlimited choice of wedding dates at the registry office. Also accommodations and wedding venues will be easier to book. In most circumstances, the price tag will only be a fraction of what you will have to pay throughout the main season from May till September. 

For more information on winter weddings on Bornholm, please contact our wedding planners on the form below.

Whatever the Season, We Will Be There for You!

A summer wedding on the beach is a beautiful option for a seasonal wedding on Bornholm.

Here you have it: Four seasons and four perfect reasons to get married on Bornholm, whatever your preferences with regards to your nuptials are.

If all of this seems too good to be true, just get touch with one of our wedding planners on the form below and we will provide further proof that Bornholm is exactly what you are looking for in a wedding location. We are looking forward to hear from you!

Winter wedding on Bornholm can be a perfect seasonal wedding for those who like comfort and hygge.

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